<!-- save this file with the name "commandline.html" and put it in the same folder as "commandLine.acgi".--> <html> <head> <title> Command "Line" Interface for Macintosh </title> </head> <body bgcolor=#cccccc> <a href="http://www.linkedresources.com/tools/macoscli.html">MacOS Command Line Interface WWW Page</a><br><hr> <h1>Command "Line" Interface for Macintosh</h1> <form name="commandline" method="post" action="commandLine.acgi"> <textarea name="asCode" cols="80" rows="10" wrap="soft">Enter your Applescript here</textarea><br> <input type="button" value="Make Tell Block" onClick='this.form.asCode.value="tell application \r\t\rend tell\r";'> <font color=#cccccc>------</font> Password <input type="password" name="password" value="abcdefg" onFocus="this.select();" size="12"> <font color=#cccccc>------</font> <input type="submit" value="Run Script on Remote Macintosh via CGI"></form> </body> </html>